The Super Ugly Chai..
Nov. 9, 2008
It's not mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my daranak moments
Nov. 3, 2008
After a long and winding journey where we almost lost our way.. after those haggardness and boredom.. who would have thought that we head straight to this beautiful place in Tanay Rizal.
Yup, finally found the hidden paradise - Sacramento Falls.
After swimming, chika minute with jonna and con while others were already asleep.
Hay it’s a long evening for me, Muy got angry with me coz I pissed him so in
I and con were searching for him almost everywhere. Finally found him sleeping at the van and we 3 decided to sleep there as well where mosquitoes are feasting.
Morning came, We indulged ourselves taking pictures from meni views and angles of the resort. Took the bodul breakfast afterwards.
Mid morning were all excited to go to daranak falls,,,,
Were all amazed and super delighted,,hahaha were just like a kid hu just received a present.
So nice and refreshing.
The place is a perfect craft.
I found myself enjoying a soothing back massage of angry waterfall while staying against the drops of it.
So relaxing.