One of a girl’s wish throughout her life is to be treated a princess and prettiest by the man she loves. I aint pretty though. With this visibly flat nose, and uneven skin tone, I kinda think my wish will remain as wish forever.. pity me.. well, (with a flushing big smile :) I’m wrong. Hihihi. (setting aside previous relationships) who would have thought that a good looking, macho man (bwahahaha yeah of course, im kidding) would create an unbelievably cheesy slogan like this upon my arrival at the Incheon Airport?
Oct. 22, 2014 |
Hahaha kilig much.
This piece of memorabilia I kept and brought home with me in the Philippines.
My final touchdown is an epic fail though. Considering the fact that he already warned me of the weather in Korea but due to my insistent I spoil myself by wearing a crop top matched with a rugged jean in an exaggeratedly icy evening. Poor me and my belly, we walked outdoor at around 8PM with my body’s literally chilled to the bone. ⛄